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An Artist’s Perspective: Eliana Perez – “Crisol de Razas” (“Melting Pot”)
I am featured at Mount Vernon Hotel and Museum's website as an immigrant artist in New York who's perspective changed after visiting and...

"Who Do You Say You Are?" Exhibition
Come and join me and a group of talented artist at the Mount Vernon Hotel & Museum next Thurday April 18th at 6 pm for a lovely Opening!...

"Nexus" Silent Auction Show
So glad no announce that I am having a piece that will be part of the Action Show: “Nexus” on October 5th at Bread&Salt Gallery in San...

In Perspective Show
"In Perspective" is a "ONE NIGHT ONLY" exhibition and fundraiser to help our friend, teacher, and fellow artist, Patrick Connors to get...

2018 MFA Thesis Exhibition
Please join me on Thursday, May 17 from 5 - 7 pm for the opening reception of the 2018 MFA Thesis Exhibition. Will be showing my work...

2018 MFA Open Studios
Join me this Friday, 6-9 pm. Over a hundred artist studios on view including mine. Free & open to the public. Bring a friend and say hi!

Single Fare 4
Happy to announce that I will be participating on this years Sinle Fare 4 exhibition on September 16 at 5:00 PM with 5 metro cards, the...

Opening Reception for "Two Languages"
“TWO LANGUAGES” Curated by Ezequiel Taveras Public Opening Reception: Saturday, September 23rd, 6:00 - 9:00 PM Willem & Elaine de...

Opening Reception for "Figure and Perception"
I will be participating on the show "Figure ad Perception" with my series of Ink drawings. Would love to see you all there!

Everyone is Invited!
Transform8, a group show curated by Mariano Cinat, features 7 artists who are using different art techniques and mediums to express a...
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